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Managing Director


Let me be proud and happy about the success of Skills Development Centre and we are completing 20 years of accomplishments. I am thankful to the founder members Mr. Karun Menon, Mr. Raghuraj and Mr. Santosh Nambalat who supported me vitally when this seed of thought came to my mind. I owe Mrs. Bindu Karun and Mrs. Vijayalakshmi Raghuraj for their tireless support in the initial stage too. It is time for me to remember H.E. Abdulrahman Mohammed S. Al-Khulaif gratefully who joined us suggesting the name – Skills Development Centre. Years back we made our frst tiny step by opening Karate Course to the community and now it has become an iconic activity of our Institution.
I would ike to appreciate and thank our first professional instructor Sensei. Shihabuddeen whose efforts and commitment made it a reality today. Over a span of 20 years Skills Development Centre has emerged as an Organization and now it has grown from being a normal Art learning Institution. The Opportunities and support given by Ministry of Interior and Ministry of Culture has played a major in this transformation. The extended support from indian Embassy and other apex bodies such as Indian Cultural Centre and Indian Community Benevolent Forum also attributed to the cause. The presence and inspiration given by various community leaders. Philanthropists and community organizations has helped this Institution grow and get recognized amongst the Qatar Indian Expatriate Community. Each one of my SDC family members have put in the best of their executional abilities marvelously blended with the mision and vision of this Organization. Platforms have been created where Teachers, Students and Parents performed together on stage. We could say that our slogan ‘Centre of Fine Arts and Performing Arts’ has become meaningful and happily accepted by the art loving community of Qatar. Even after successful completion of 20 years. we stil feel that there is a lot more to do. Many families are happy with us today that we prolong for future. Our vision remains focused and every day we take a tiny step towards that goal. The journey was never alone and it will never be. we are committed to return the love, care and support extended to us and it is rest assured that being a responsible and committed organization, we shall continue to strive our best to be one of the pioneering words in the field of Fine Arts and Performing Arts. We aim to expand our services from more locations with integrated experiences. On the happiest occasion of 20th Anniversary of Skills Development Centre I wish all success and prosperity to Students, Parents, Teachers, non teaching staff and well-Wishers of SDC family.